Thursday, March 15, 2012

Association of Consultants for International Students (Singapore)

Encouraged by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the Association, ACIS(S), was formed on March 2005 to serve the needs of the international students consulting service industry, setting the industrial standard for student recruiting companies/agents, and to contribute in promoting Singapore Education thereby helping Singapore Government's effort in establishing Singapore as a world class education hub. It is to be the link between the international students, schools, related education institutions, local and overseas agents, and Government's agencies. Besides setting industrial standard for its members through a set of stringent code of practice, the main objectives of ACIS(S) is also to promote and protect its members’ interests, the education providers, the students, and the overall reputation of Singapore as a quality education centre, thus complementing our Government’s effort in building Singapore as a world class education hub.

Members of ACIS(S) are individual agents, companies and organisations engaged in activities related to overseas students studying in Singapore. While working towards these objectives, ACIS(S) members are expected to abide by its Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Practice. These define a minimum standard and quality of service as expected of their respective professions. Towards this end, the Association has been strongly advocating the need for its members to have a thorough professional knowledge of the Singapore education, the Private Education Institutions (PEIs) that they are representing, private education regulatory body, private education regulations, EduTrust, Student Pass application requirements and procedures, the living condition and accommodation range in Singapore. ACIS(S) has a training package to train our members and local and overseas non-member agents on all of the above.

Over the years, ACIS(S) has been actively pursuing closer working relationship and collaboration with government agencies such as STB (please refer to, the Council for Private Education (CPE, a Government's regulatory body for private education, please refer to, International Enterprise Singapore, SPRING Singapore, Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) and the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE), and non-government associations such as the Association of Private Schools and Colleges (APSC) (please refer to, and other similar student agents association overseas. We have been working closely with the APSC in organising joint Singapore Education Seminars and Fairs overseas. and one such Fair was held in early September this year in Phnom Penh. The aim of the Fair is to generate businesses and networking for members, EduTrust certified PEIs in Singapore and overseas education institutions and student agents.

All local and international consultants in the education industry can contact Mr Yio Eng Chiang, President of ACISS, for more information on the Association or on Singapore education at 96433676.

Please refer to for details

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